The Chinese Dried Jujube plant can survive harsh winters, with temperatures well below freezing, but it is at the end of a nice warm summer that it yields delicious fruits, rich in vitamin C and perfect for preparing for winter ailments. In addition, due to the high content of flavonoids and glucosides, they regulate blood pressure, while the concentration of anthraquinones gives these products discrete laxative properties.
Jujubes aka Chinese dates
If picked when not yet fully ripe, jujubes are green (they look like olives) and taste similar to apple. When fully ripe, however, they take on a scarlet hue and the taste becomes distinctly sweeter, similar to that of a date (so much so that the tree is also called a “Chinese date”).
In jujubes
It can be eaten fresh, just picked, or after a few days, withered, and thus softer but with a more fermented taste. It is excellent for jams and syrups, and much appreciated when preserved in spirits and of course when used for jujube broth.