Category Archives: GONG FU CHA

Sheng Puer, Shu Puer and Maocha: characteristics and differences

What is a puer tea? What are the differences and between Sheng Puer and Shu [...]

How to use a gaiwan, the traditional Chinese teacup

Let's delve into gaiwan, a traditional Chinese cup for brewing and drinking tea. What it [...]

Scented tea vs. flavored tea

What is the difference between a scented tea and a flavored tea? What are the [...]

Tea pets – the tea pets

What do tea pets represent and what is their history? In this article you will [...]

Wuyi Mountains: the incredible teas of this region

A focus on the Wuyi Mountains area, to learn about its terroir and discover which [...]

The golden season of Chinese green teas

Spring is coming, the season most eagerly awaited by Chinese green tea lovers. Indeed, it [...]

Bai Hao Yin Zhen and Bai Mu Dan: the two most famous white teas in the world

Bai Hao Yin Zhen and Bai Mu Dan: main differences, characteristics, and everything you should [...]

Christmas gifts for tea lovers: some must-have ideas

Christmas is approaching and we all have a friend or friend who loves tea. Here [...]

A Guide To The Gaiwan

What Is A Gaiwan? Let’s begin with exactly what is a gaiwan. A gaiwan (盖碗) [...]


The Chinese Tea Ceremony

LA CERIMONIA DEL TÈ GONGFU CHA – 工夫茶 Gongfu Chá, also known as “工 gongfucha” [...]